Influencer Spotlight on Erin Stanczyk from EatMoveRest (@erinstanczyk)

Influencer Spotlight: Erin Stanczyk’s Journey to Plant-Based Parenting

Erin Stanczyk (@erinstanczyk) from EatMoveRest shares expert tips for raising a healthy, plant-based child

By Ivana Markovic
Edited by Caitlin Snethlage

Updated October 11, 2024.

This influencer spotlight is on Erin Stanczyk from EatMoveRest. She’s a health and lifestyle coach and content creator who does it all—group coaching, retreats, workshops, a thriving YouTube channel, and so much more. The biggest thing we noticed was her influence in raising a healthy kiddo on a plant-based diet, Max, and inspiring other parents to do the same.

It’s not easy to ensure your child eats healthy (especially the picky ones) when you consider the effects nutrition has on behavior, tummy issues, food sensitivities, and other challenges your children face. So, we asked Erin to share her secrets in an exclusive interview. We even picked her brain about some other mommy-related questions we just had to know the answers to.

» Explore plant-powered nutrition for healthy growth

What started your journey to become an influencer/blogger?

My journey as a health and lifestyle coach and content creator began in 2015 after experiencing my own health issues and struggles. I wasn't getting answers from doctors and specialists, and I didn't want to be stuck on medications for the rest of my life, so I began doing my own research and attending conferences, certifications, and online courses.

Eventually, I came upon a plant-based diet and lifestyle. I was feeling so much better after my own transition that I knew I had to share my wealth of knowledge and recipes with my friends. I found a lot of connections through my growing online community, so I began blogging and sharing on Instagram and eventually started a YouTube channel called EatMoveRest with my husband, Dusty!

» Discover the benefits of a plant-based diet for your child

What is something most people don't know about you?

Most people don't know that I am very creative and artistic, and I create all my own content! I love photography, videography, graphic design, and piecing things together! I'm also passionate about nature, wildlife, travel, and the outdoors, so I keep a healthy balance between my hobbies in that way!

a woman and two children sitting at a table

How do you balance work and family life?

My husband and I make a great team, and along with our parents, we have a great support system. There is always someone to entertain and educate Max in various ways.

At home, as a family, we keep the balance by setting times where we each get to have undivided work time and undivided play time; that way, the lines don't get blurred. Since we work from home on our EatMoveRest business, it's important to have boundaries around when we start work, when we break for meals as a family, and when we shut off our devices at the end of the day. 

What are your top 2-3 tips for healthy living parents?

  • 1) Avoid bringing junk food into the house. If you can eliminate unhealthy choices, it makes the healthy choice the easy choice.
  • 2) Take time for yourself to eat, move, and rest your best! Get a healthy breakfast and good sweat session, and don't forget about mindfulness and meditation!
  • 3) Do healthy activities like cooking and exercising as a family! Monkey see, monkey do!

» Explore the nutritional challenges parents face when trying to ensure their kids eat a balanced, healthy diet

What are some challenges you face trying to feed Max a nourishing diet?

Toddlers can be picky eaters. Some days, Max will love a certain food, and the next day, he wants nothing to do with it. The most important thing is to keep offering a variety of healthy options no matter what!

What are your thoughts on eating organic, plant-based foods for yourself and your family?

We feel that eating clean, organic, unprocessed whole foods—as close to their natural state as possible—is of the utmost importance! The best way to keep the body running like a fine-tuned machine is to nourish it with the cleanest possible fuel!

Toxins are unavoidable in many aspects, like our environment, so we need to do our part to avoid what we can with what's within our control—and that's what's on our plate!

» Find out how to reduce your child’s exposure to toxins through their diet

Do you have strong opinions about soy, dairy, and/or gluten in Max’s diet?

After extensive research and learning from plant-based physicians, we believe that organic (non-GMO) soy is not only safe but preventative against certain types of cancer. It is a fantastic source of complete protein as well as healthy fats. Soy in the form of edamame beans, tofu, and tempeh are healthy, whole-food options! 

We do not believe that dairy is necessary for human consumption, especially for toddlers or infants. We are the only species that consumes another species' milk—that should tell you something isn't right! Most individuals experience some degree of lactose intolerance, as well, so we steer clear. 

» Recognize signs your toddler is lactose intolerant

As for gluten, we consume very little. If we do, it's an organic sprouted whole grain bread like Ezekiel bread. Other than that, we choose foods like gluten-free red lentils or brown rice pasta.

» Learn more about gluten sensitivity and celiac disease in kids

What do you feel are the most important nutrients to include in Max’s diet? 

We try to include a wide variety of colorful, whole-plant foods in Max's diet. We emphasize a high-calorie diet that is rich in complete proteins, iron, vitamin C, and lots of healthy fats. These include foods like fruit and veggie smoothies, lentils and other legumes and beans, nut and seed butter, homemade muffins, oatmeals, hearty curries, soups, and stews.

» Read more about essential nutrients and micronutrients for kids

How do you incorporate Else into Max’s diet? And how has it helped?

Max enjoys Else organic nutrition shakes and smoothies every single day. He loves a simple Else shake with a frozen banana, plant milk, and some greens blended up or a smoothie with nut butter and mixed berries.

We also incorporate it into recipes like baked goods and overnight oats! Else has helped to add extra calories and nutrition into our highly active little man's diet! Max is always on the go, and he loves having a shake to tote along with him.

What is your favorite Else recipe?

Our favorite Else recipe is super simple: half frozen banana, 3/4 cup plant milk, 2-3 scoops Else, and greens or green powder blended up!

» Choose the right nutrition for healthy growth

The content and advice provided in this article are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice for specific medical conditions. Always consult a pediatrician to understand your child's individual needs.