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Our commitment to quality

At Else®,we're committed to creating whole, clean, plant-based alternatives for kids to grow happy and healthy .

Else is product to be Clean Label Product® Purity Award certified, with the 1st baby cereal in the US to be awarded with this strict award. That reflects our steadfast commitment to offering parents and caregivers transparency and reassurance to get the peace of mind they deserve when feeding their little ones.










Heavy metals- where do they come from?

Heavy metals exist in the environment, mainly in soil and water. this makes foods, vegetables, seeds, and grains yields absorb these elements from soil and water they grow in. Unfortunately, this is true in one own garden, farmer's field (organic or not), and across the globe.

But this is not the destiny and there are ways to minimize the presence of heavy metals in packaged food available in the grocery stores by sourcing the right plants from the right farmers who are performing soil testing and rotating crops and by testing the final products.

How is Else® protecting families from heavy metals? 

Heavy metals have been a big topic of conversation and concern for parents and caregivers, baby food makers and regulators in recent years. We want parents and caregivers to understand our process and standards, because we know how important safety is for your little ones. 

At Else® we are making comprehensive efforts to ensure that the ingredients we use, and our final products are safe and meet the highest quality standards for your little ones. We are committed to high quality standards performing hundreds of quality checks, and approve every batch before it is released to market. 

Else® unique plant-based products are safe and effective for your baby and young child.  

Three whole plant based ingredients make up over 80% of ELSE®. Our Supplier Quality Assurance approach is to source only the best ingredients through continuous communication with our approved manufacturers who use efficient chain control ensuring only the best Quality and Safety standards are in place for the production of Else nutrition Raw materials. 

Chain control is critical to understand the farm to fork process therefore testing at each stage is important to make food that provided the best plant-based nutrition alternative to dairy and soy based alternatives and of course sustainable. 

Why is it so important? 

Clean Label Project Purity Award is independently testing for important substances not shown on food labels; such as industrial and environmental toxins, and contaminants of concern like heavy metals and pesticides which may affect the wellbeing of a child. 

Foods are then compared to Clean Label Project's benchmark data of other foods in the same category. This enables consumers transparency to brands that are taking the extra steps to minimize consumer exposure to known chemicals of concern. 

How to find your product’s heavy metals test results

In line with California AB 899, a legislative bill that ensures transparency by requiring baby food manufacturers to test for and share information about four potential heavy metals, we provide an easy way for you to view your product’s testing data by lot number.

  • Look for a 9 or 10 character/digit combination and specific number sequence,ink-jet printing in black on the bottom of the can(Toddler and Kids powder),on the top of the tetra(kids ready to drink),or on the back of the pouch(cereal).

  • Note: there are 5 numbers followed by the one or two letters and then three numbers. The first five numbers relate to the product code,the 1 or 2 characters identify the packaging manufacturer and the last 3 numbers indicates the unique lot numbers.

PRODUCTS IN CAN (Toddler and Kids powder products)



STEP 2: Enter your product LOT number & UPC.

Else® ACTION LEVELS FOR HEAVY METALS (Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury)

We are inspired by the highest standards set by the European union(EU) for heavy metals, ensuring that no products is sold without passing rigorous testing It's as straight forward as that. Your peace of mind, guaranteed. We set internal action levels in light of no adequate FDA Action limit set for our unique products as follows :


*We test for total arsenic, while the EU standard is “inorganic arsenic” specific. Think: Total Arsenic = naturally present vs. inorganic = chemical contaminant.

What is PPB ?

PPB means Parts Per Billion. That is the number of units of mass of a contaminant per 1000 million units of total mass. Imagine a grain of sand in the beach.


Are Else Baby cereals, Toddler and Kids nutritional products safe from heavy metals?

YES –Our Internal standards for Heavy metals include strict limits as shown in the table above,

Our unique, patented plant-based products have no added dairy, soy or gluten and all ingredients are non GMO. Our nutritional products provide all the nutrients needed according to age while assuring the safety of our babies and young children

What is the Clean Label Project Purity award and why is it important?

The Clean Label Project Purity Award evaluates products for substances that would never be found on a product label. These substances include chemicals of concern and industrial and environmental toxins and contaminants (like heavy metals, pesticide residues, and plasticizers) that have the long-term potential to adversely affect health and well-being. Clean Label Project uses benchmarked data to compare individual product test results to the test results of the best-selling products in the same product category. In the process, we reveal to brands how their ingredient supply chain and quality assurance systems fare compared to industry leaders. We reveal to consumers what brands are taking the extra steps to minimize consumer exposure to known chemicals of concern.

Why are heavy metals present in baby foods?

Heavy metals exist in nature and come from agricultural practices including soil and water that may increase due to industrial pollution. Plants absorb these metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury and can then enter the food chain. Even if you grow your own foods in your garden, purchase organic certified products, or simply buy your foods in a supermarket. One cannot avoid this. Else® approved suppliers must be certified to Global Food Safety Standards and use the best agricultural practices to mitigate the presence of toxic metals in the unique, minimally processed plant-based ingredients used by Else® to manufacture and pack safe and nutritious foods.

What does Else® do to minimize the presence of heavy metals?

Using our robust Supplier Quality  Assurance program including strict standards for heavy metals in our plant-based ingredients and rejecting raw materials that do not meet our purchase and testing standards, and ensuring the process water used in production is tested to meet EPA and EU specifications by testing almonds and buckwheat before manufacture of the ingredients as used as well as testing our semi-finished and final products, we are able to produce the highest quality foods delivered to your favorite stores or on line platforms.

How can I limit exposure to heavy metals in my baby's diet ?

According to nutrition experts, including the FDA, AAP, AND, and others,  feeding your baby a variety of age-appropriate, nutrient dense foods—fruit, vegetables, and whole grains—is the best way to help lower the risk of exposure to heavy metals.