Building Blocks of Nutrition: Food Groups for Kids Explained

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Building Blocks of Nutrition: Food Groups for Kids Explained

a woman wearing glasses and a green shirt
By Markita Lewis
a woman is holding a small house in her hand
Edited by Ivana Markovic

Published August 27, 2024.

a variety of fruits and vegetables arranged in heart shaped bowls

Navigating your little one's nutritional needs can feel like decoding a complex puzzle, especially during those vital first years. Whether you're pureeing peas for your baby or chasing a kid who's just discovered the joy of tossing food, understanding food groups can be your compass. Think of these groups as the colorful building blocks that will help your children grow, thrive, and start a lifelong friendship with veggies (fingers crossed!). 

So, let's dive into the world of nutrition for littles, where every spoonful counts and every food group plays a starring role in your child's health and development.

Understanding the 5 Main Food Groups

Embarking on the journey of a plant-based diet for your children can be as enriching as it is nutritious. The tapestry of a well-rounded diet weaves together fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, healthy fats, and dairy alternatives into a vibrant mosaic of flavors and nutrients. Here's how each group contributes to the growth and development of your child, from their first foray into solids to their adventurous kids years.


Vegetables take the spotlight first, with their rich variety offering a spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and fibers that are essential for everything from bone development to immune system support. Dark leafy greens, in particular, are powerhouses of iron and calcium, key for blood health and bone strength, respectively. And let's not forget the colorful array of veggies like bell peppers, squash, and tomatoes, which are not just visually appealing to young eaters but also brimming with vitamins A and C.


Fruits come in as nature's sweets, pleasing to the palate while packing a punch of hydration, fiber, and nutrients. The vitamin C in fruits like oranges and strawberries is pivotal for healing and infection control, while the potassium in bananas aids in muscle function and maintaining a healthy heart rhythm. Introducing fruits as snacks or blended into smoothies can make them a delightful part of your child's diet.


Grains are the fuel for the engine, providing much-needed energy through carbohydrates. Whole grains like oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice also come with B vitamins necessary for energy production and metabolism. They serve as a staple for meals, giving your child the energy they need to play, learn, and grow.


Proteins are the building blocks, and within a plant-based framework, they come from sources like quinoa, buckwheat, and soy. They also come from complementary plant protein sources like nuts/seeds with grains, legumes/beans with grains, and legumes/beans with nuts/seeds. These foods provide the essential amino acids necessary for building muscle, repairing tissue, and supporting a robust immune system. And they're not just about the protein; they're also excellent sources of fiber, iron, and other minerals.


Dairy is included on the food pyramid for kids, but as plant-based parents, we can choose fortified plant-based dairy. Choose dairy alternatives that are fortified with similar amounts of calcium, vitamin D, protein, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin B12 as cow's milk.  Not all plant milks made from soy, almonds, or oats are enriched to provide the same level of these critical nutrients as cow's milk. However, choosing an appropriate dairy alternative can help ensure that your child's skeletal system receives the support it needs during these crucial early years.

Balance and Proportion: Are All Food Groups Equal for Kids?

Balance and proportion are key concepts when planning your child's diet, especially within the scope of plant-based nutrition. It's natural to wonder if each food group should have an equal share of your little one's plate. However, the truth is that not all food groups are created equal regarding the unique nutritional needs of growing children.

  • Vegetables and fruits are incredibly important, offering a range of essential nutrients, fiber, and hydration. These should make up a significant portion of your child's diet. However, it doesn't mean they should consume fruits and veggies in the same quantities. Vegetables typically have a wider array of available nutrients, especially when it comes to vitamins and minerals, and are lower in sugar compared to fruits. Therefore, a slightly higher proportion of vegetables can be beneficial.
  • Grains, particularly whole grains, are vital as they are primary energy sources and should be included in most meals. However, they should be balanced with the other groups to avoid excessive calorie intake solely from carbohydrates.
  • Protein is a staple nutrient for development and growth, but the amount needed is often overestimated. Plant-based proteins can fulfill your child's requirements when carefully planned. Appropriate combinations of foods like beans, lentils, peas, and smaller portions of nuts and seeds can provide adequate protein throughout the day while delivering other health benefits like fiber and healthy fats.
  • Speaking of fats, they are essential, but they should be provided in moderation because they are calorie-dense. Healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and seeds are vital for brain development and should be included daily, though in smaller amounts than other food groups.
  • Dairy alternatives fortified to similar levels of key nutrients found in cow's milk, like calcium, vitamin D, protein, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin B12, should be included to ensure your child gets enough of these crucial nutrients. However, these should be consumed in moderation to maintain a balanced diet.

Using the Kids Food Pyramid Guide

So, you know that your kiddo needs to eat balanced nutrients, but here is a simple guide to help you stay on top of it. 

The food pyramid has long been a visual staple in understanding the basics of balanced nutrition. For kids, especially those following a plant-based diet, it serves as an invaluable guide to ensuring they receive the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. This pyramid breaks down the food groups into layers, each representing the proportion of the diet they should ideally occupy.

Layers of the Kids Food Pyramid

Let's walk through the key points and how they translate to daily meals for our little ones:

  • Base Layer (Grains): Grains should make up a substantial part of a child's diet, providing the energy they need. Opt for whole grains where possible, as they're richer in nutrients.
  • Second Layer (Vegetables and Fruits): The pyramid typically places vegetables and fruits on the same level. They should be consumed in abundance for their vitamins, minerals, and fibers.
  • Third Layer (Proteins and Dairy Alternates): Proteins are necessary to include in any diet, and plant-based sources like beans and lentils are emphasized.
  • Top Layer (Fats, Oils, and Sweets): Healthy fats are necessary but should be consumed in smaller amounts. This includes plant-based oils and fatty fruits like avocados. Alongside those healthy fats are sweets, which often contain sugar and unhealthy fats. It’s still a good idea to allow your children to enjoy these sweets in moderation, but they should not be the majority of your child’s intake.

Filling In The Gaps

In a perfect world, our children would get all their nutritional needs met from the food they eat. However, there are times when even the best dietary plans need a little boost, especially when catering to specific dietary preferences or managing the selective eating habits common in kids. This is where products like Else Nutrition’s Plant Protein Nutritional Shake for Kids or their liquid version can play a key role in filling in the nutritional gaps.

Else Plant Protein Nutritional Shake for Kids: 

  • Ideal for children aged 2 and up, this drink offers a clean, dairy-free, and soy-free alternative to traditional milk-based products.
  • It’s crafted with whole foods like almonds, buckwheat, and tapioca, providing essential nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats tailored to the growing needs of children.
  • Fortified with vitamins and minerals, it ensures that your childgets a balanced spectrum of nutrients, including calcium, iron, and vitamin D, which are important at this developmental stage.

Explaining Food Groups to Children

When teaching childrenabout the variety of foods and where they fit into the food groups, it's essential to use simple, inclusive language that equates all types of foods with positive attributes. At this stage, it's more about exposure and association rather than detailed explanation. Here are some ways to introduce the concept:

  • Colorful Charts and Images: Use vibrant pictures and illustrations that feature a range of foods from all the food groups. This can be as simple as a poster on the wall or a book with colorful images of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy alternatives.
  • Interactive Mealtime: During meals, talk about the food they're eating in simple terms. "This is a vegetable, it's good for growing tall!" or "These grains give you energy to play!" Make it a fun part of the meal rather than a lesson.
  • Playful Learning: Incorporate food group learning into playtime. Use toys like play fruits and vegetables, or even make-believe cooking sets, to discuss different types of foods casually.
  • Be a Role Model: Children learn a lot by imitation. When they see you eating and enjoying a variety of foods from all the food groups, they're more likely to be curious and willing to try them too.

The goal at this age is not to make them memorize food groups but to familiarize them with the idea of variety and the importance of eating different types of foods. It sets the stage for more in-depth learning as they grow older.


What are the 5 main food groups for kids?

The 5 main food groups for kids are vegetables, fruit, grains, protein, and dairy.

How can I make sure my picky eater is getting enough nutrition?

Picky eating is common in young children. Introduce new foods slowly and pair them with familiar favorites. Don't force food, but don't give up either—sometimes, it takes multiple exposures for a child to accept a new food.

Are plant-based diets safe for kids?

Yes, a well-planned plant-based diet can provide all the necessary nutrients for kids. Ensure it's varied and includes fortified foods or supplements where needed, such as vitamin B12. Always discuss dietary plans with a pediatrician or a dietitian.

How can I explain the importance of different food groups without making some seem 'bad'?

Emphasize the role each food group plays, like "fruits help heal boo-boos" or "nuts make your brain super smart." Avoid using negative language and instead celebrate what each group does for the body.