Exciting Announcement: Introducing Else Nutrition's New High-Iron Baby Super Cereal!

Exciting Announcement: Introducing Else Nutrition's New High-Iron Baby Super Cereal!

Our Else Super Cereal is going high iron!
The Original flavor is the first product we’re offering with 5.8mg of iron which is 50% of the daily value for a baby under one year, and our other cereal flavors will follow.

Else Super Cereal is a nutrient-dense, complementary food for babies ages 6 months + who are transitioning to solid foods, providing a unique nutritionally balanced composition of complex carbs, plant protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals such as iron.

Iron is a key nutrient for growing babies, to support neurologic development and immune function, and Iron-rich foods such as infant cereals are recommended in infant’s diet from age 6+ months. With just 1 serving of Else Super Cereal, you can give your little one half the amount of iron they need per day!

New High Iron vs Original Low Iron


Watch the space for the other flavors! 

Read more about iron here.

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