Influencer Spotlight on Megan Evans, Healthy Living Expert (@megunprocessed)

Updated October 11, 2024.

This influencer spotlight is on Megan Evans, a Healthy Living Expert on ABC10 TV, holistic nutritionist, and Plant-Based mother. Megan’s focus is on whole food, Plant-Based eating. She inspires others with her research, her charisma, and her positive outlook on why eating clean, minimally processed foods (like Else Complete Nutrition) is the solution to living an optimal life - for both you and your children.
We had some questions for Megan about whole food eating for children especially: important nutrients for their diet, and secrets to getting them to eat “healthier.” So, we sat down with her for an exclusive interview to tell us what works. We figured you’d want to know more about raising Plant-Based kiddos too, so read on below for her wisdom.
What started your journey to become a Holistic Nutritionist?
I started to learn about all the chemicals that are put into our food. I then, myself, cut overly processed foods out of my diet and felt so much better! Even within 2 weeks I could tell a difference in the way I felt. I knew I wanted to help others do the same.
Tell us your secret: How do you have time to cook all this yummy food, hold a large social media presence and spend quality time with the family?
Every day I feel like it’s a juggling act. I have to break it up and give certain tasks more attention on one day than I do others. No matter what, I always keep my family first, but that also means working a lot at night after my son is asleep.
Why do you choose whole food, Plant-Based eating?
It’s the only diet that has not only shown to reverse some of the top killers, but also prevent them and other sensitivities. It’s also the most sustainable diet because most people, like myself, feel so good eating this way they don’t want to stop.
How would you convince someone to switch to a minimally processed, whole food, Plant-Based diet based on nutrition facts?
I’d talk to them about all of the nutrients found in plants and show how they can get all of the macronutrients they need on a WFPB diet. Along with this, I’d show them with research that supports the need to include plant foods and make it the main part of their diet.
Speaking of Plant-Based, why do you choose Else Complete Nutrition for your child? What is your opinion on soy, dairy, and/or gluten in your little ones diet?
Else nutrition is the best one on the market. It has the cleanest ingredients, organic and made without GMOs, which is very important to me.
He [my child] does not eat any dairy at all and we limit gluten as well. Cow’s milk is made to grow a baby calf to full size within two years. It does not contain any kind of nutrients my child needs for his infant nutrition. He does eat a little soy, but less processed versions of it like edamame, tofu and tempeh, and I only buy organic.
Tell us the most important nutrients that are a must for your kid’s nutritional needs?
Fiber is definitely at the top of the list. The best source of fiber is plants. I also make sure he has healthy fats and carbohydrates plus plant-based protein.
How do you convince your little one to eat these healthy foods?
The biggest influence on what a child eats is what their parents eat. By being a role model and showing my son this is what mom and dad eat so he eats it too. Not everything, but most things!
What are your plant based nutrition tips for parents who have kids with allergies and intolerances?
Make a list of foods your child can eat and focus on those. Separate them by meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. This can make things easier and not seem overwhelming.
What is your favorite Else Complete Nutrition recipe?
My son loves when I make the Dragon Fruit Nice Cream. I’ll switch it up with different fruits as well, but it’s a great way to not only get the extra nutrients from Else, but also the fruits while he feels like he’s getting a special treat!
Where did you learn all of your knowledge on becoming a healthy living expert? / What sources do you trust most?
I completed the Plant-Based nutritionist program with Dr. T Colin Campbell with Cornell University. I also do a lot of research on my own when it comes to toxins, foods and everyday products we use. I love the website with Dr. Michael Greger as he presents evidence from research on diet and food. I also like the for finding out about products with toxins that we should avoid.
Interviewee’s Name: Megan Evans
The content and advice provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, advice for specific medical conditions. Always consult a pediatrician to understand the individual needs of your child.